Trinity Lutheran School emphasizes building foundations in all that we do: spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally. Capping our enrollment at 15 students per classroom allows for a personalized experience.
Curriculum is continuously reviewed to ensure that teaching and learning is efficient for our setting. While curriculum serves its purpose as a foundation in our instruction, teachers have the gifts and authority to “teach outside of the box,” bringing in outside materials to enhance the learning experience. Through novels, movement, centers, collaborative work and more, learning comes to life.

Kindergarten through 8th grade religion is more than just curriculum, teachings, and programs; it is our daily living as children of God. Throughout our day to day successes and challenges, we keep Christ in the center of all that we do.
Our religion classes are based on the Voyages curriculum from Concordia Publishing House. This material follows the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s beliefs, coming from and supported by the Bible. The activities and discussions that take place in class are age appropriate.
All preschool through 8th grade students attend weekly chapel. This is a time of prayer, singing praises, and worshiping our Lord and Savior. Students sit together with their chapel families, allowing older students to assist with the younger students while building relationships throughout the school. “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Students are given the opportunity to lead in service through chapel, our annual Veterans Day Program, and CHRISTmas Program. While the attention is not on us, it does allow our students to share the gospel news.
Each class is assigned a service project every year. Through this, students will serve, reflect, and present on their experience. “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28
Reading/Language Arts
For kindergarten through 6th grade, we recently adopted all new reading and language arts curriculum: Journeys from Houghton Mifflin. This curriculum takes a whole language approach to teaching and learning. Reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and handwriting (cursive) are all intertwined. This curriculum provides an effective approach to teaching all required standards.
Our middle school also just recently adopted new reading curriculum: Collections by Houghton Mifflin. This material focuses more on reading and comprehension, using age appropriate selections for students to read and learn from. We use the Saxon series to teach Grammar. This material is effective with its approach to teaching while teaching all required standards.
Reading and language arts are also taught through novel units, poetry units, writing units, and more. This allows for the teachers to use their creativity to teach to the interest of the students while bringing learning to life.
Kindergarten through 8th grade students learn from the Saxon math series. This curriculum has an incremental structure that distributes content throughout the year. This integrated and connected approach provides deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills.
Kindergarten through 8th grade students use thematic units based on Core Knowledge topics that are used to develop critical thinking skills, research skills and broad understanding of topics. A fully functional science lab offers a hands-on learning experience, where students are completely engaged in learning through activities.
Social Studies
Kindergarten through 8th grade students use thematic units based on Core Knowledge topics that are used to develop critical thinking skills, research skills and broad understanding of topics. Students are assigned various projects, encouraging them to dig deeper into their learning experience.
Kindergarten through 8th grade students participate in physical education, music, and art twice a week. Various thematic units and curriculum are used to plan and teach a wide range of concepts and skills for each subject.